6 Major Advantages Of Online Learning


Online education applies computer technology to learn. There are several things that we can do by applying technology that we could not do in real class before thereby improving the whole learning experience.

Learning Sequences.
In a traditional class room students may sit through a one hour class lecture. In online we replace lectures with loading sequences. Students watch a 5-7 minutes video and then they do an interactive exercise and they go for a video and then again for an exercise. So in this way its active learning where students are engaging with the material as they go along.

Instant Feedback.
We can use the computer technology to do the grading and that allows us to give instant feedback to the students. It’s been known in the literature and learning sciences that instant feedback can be very effective while learning.

Mastery-Based Learning.
Mastery based learning is good thing where you keep trying something till you get it the right way. Enabling our students to go for virtually infinite tries makes them perfect at that. They can keep trying and try till they become master at that. Then they can move on to the next topic.

Pause, Rewind and Speed Up.
With online learning we are very used to hitting pause and rewind infect some of the online learners tell that with videos they are able to rewind multiple times. Many students mute the video, read the transcript and then watch the video at 1.5x speed. This enables to have a much more efficient and flexible style of learning.

Online education can be much more engaging for the students. They are provided with game like experiences. There are a lot of simulation based lessons that are much more interactive and engaging. Here students can drill each and every thing and they can keep on trying and trying with various components and methods. Gamification can be very engaging for the students through these online labs.

Peer Learning.
And finally, peer learning, on a discussion forum students are asking questions and answering each other’s questions. Often times while working together and answering each other’s questions. They are now learning from each other that peer style of learning can very much engaging and many students learn easily.

These were some of the examples that how online learning can make students learn better than traditional learning method. There are many great institutions around offering online business management and business administration courses which can turn out to be very beneficial for the people who very busy with their business dealings.